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Quality Assurance Engineer Intern

Quality Assurance Engineer Intern
Tel Aviv

Nothing will pass from the developers to the customers without going through you first! QA interns will be responsible for making sure the app passes all tests, finding issues and working with developers to solve them, and creating tests for new features and productivity.

About Any.Do

Any.do is a leading start up that makes productivity applications which are used daily by over 4 million users. Any.do’s apps are rated number 1 and 2 in their respective categories on the App Store and have over 30 million downloads on both Android and iOS.

Any.do is extremely well known and renowned globally- it has won many awards including Android’s best app of 2012.

Not only is Any.do an impressive organization from the outside, it is equally as impressive from the inside. We are a small, agile team who are always on the move. We work hard when we’re in the office but make sure to have fun while we do it. We understand how important it is to enjoy your workplace and make sure that it is a place you can look forward to coming to everyday. Between dogs running around the office, having lunch by the Tel Aviv Port at noon, and our regular office parties and BBQs, it’s pretty hard not to love it here!

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