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Marketing Strategist

I Know First
Marketing Strategist
Tel Aviv

I Know First is looking for a creative individual who will assist in the development and implementation of strategic marketing campaigns. You will also help plan our online media presence, create online content, general PR efforts and manage social media activity. The intern will be responsible for customer outreach in the US. You will learn how to utilize web analytics, how to analyze web traffic and data relating to social media as well as develop content that will help meet company goals.   


  • Responsibilities Included
  • Manage social media activity (Community manager)
  • Maintain online media presence and create online content
  • Customer outreach in the US
  • Analyze web analytics
  • Contribute in planning marketing/advertising strategy and evaluate return on investment
  • Requirements


      • Degree of pursuing a degree in a relevant field (BA/BS/MS in Marketing, Finance, Communication or related degree)
      • MBA—an advantage


  • Proficient with social media
  • Strong verbal/communication skills with the ability to be persuasive
  • Basic understanding of the financial markets
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Office + skills with Photoshop or any video editing tools is a great advantage
  • Well-organized and passionate about the product and vision