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Human Rights and Social Media Internship

Jerusalem Institute of Justice
Human Rights and Social Media Internship

Intern will become an integral part of the J.I.J team, preforming very important tasks for the advancement of the organization. Intern will have great opportunity to work within their personal interests.

The intern should be able to research, conduct interviews and have high level of writing in English (Hebrew or Arabic are a huge bonus) for our reports and fact sheets which are used to combat Anti-Semitism and Anti-Zionism world wide. The J.I.J is looking for basic design skills, which will assist with posters, fact sheets, and various materials. Interns also must be up to date with use of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Needs to know English and or Hebrew

About Jerusalem Institute of Justice

The Jerusalem Institute of Justice is dedicated to cultivating and defending the rule of law, human rights, freedom of conscience and democracy for all people in Israel and its adjacent territories. Our passionate, knowledgeable and professional staff effectively educate and advocate for victims of repressive policies in our region.

Within Israel, we pursue freedom of religion, freedom of conscience, and advocate for members of minority religions, as well as citizens lacking any religious affiliation. We have also done extensive work on behalf of victims of human trafficking, advanced affirmative action for Ethiopian new immigrants, and provided representation to Lone Soldiers who have been abandoned by their ultra-Orthodox families for choosing to serve in the IDF.
Our passion for freedom, truth and moral clarity has driven us to pursue justice, not only within Israel, but also on behalf of Israel. While most human rights organizations superficially point to Israel’s occupation of the disputed territories as the foremost abuse of human rights in our region, we espouse a more thorough and balanced view on the matter. We have drafted and disseminated extensive reports on the human rights abuses of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in the West Bank and the Hamas government in Gaza.

Our work in this regard has taken us before the UN and the European Parliament, as well as esteemed academic venues on several continents.