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City Kids TLV

City Kids TLV
Tel Aviv

City Kids TLV is looking for teachers and role models to be a part of our English Center for Young Families.

We are looking for someone that loves kids, and has a positive attitude. The role of the teacher will be to oversee the activities of the center, and become a part of creating a phenomenal experience for the kids.

For more info visit: www.tlvcitykids.co.il

About City Kids TLV

CityKids is all-in-one education and play space for families with children newborn-13 years old. We have a nursery school with two locations for children ages one to four, a library with over 1,500 of our children’s favorite English books and we offer a variety of classes from English to art, music to movement all taught by highly qualified teachers by our an official English curriculum. We strive each moment of every day to be the ultimate safe, clean and fun English speaking resource for Tel Aviv families to gather, learn, socialize and play.

We want a place we can feel comfortable in our own skin, reminisce about New York and London and meet some friendly faces. We want a space that offers quality nursery school and afternoon classes and allows kids to run around and play with others.