Working and volunteering for the mentally ill is an act that results in improved quality of life of the patient and his family. The Jerusalem Mental Health Center volunteer unit seeks volunteers from all over the world, adults and youth. Volunteering at the hospital is accompanied by volunteer coordinators in each department and by representatives of various sectors for learning and guidance.
The Jerusalem Center for Mental Health (Kfar Shaul Titans) serves the population of the cities of Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh, Ma’aleh Adumim and Mevaseret Zion as well as the population of the Jerusalem corridor. The center has three campuses in Jerusalem and inpatient mental health treatment stations spread throughout the city and surrounding areas.
The center provides continuity of care to a variety of mental disorders, of all ages, acute psychotic states, protracted situations with emphasis on rehabilitation and community service. The handling system includes all the usual types of biological therapies (various innovative medicines, Room Snosln — multi-sensory stimulation and ECT), couple and family therapy, individual and group psychotherapy, art therapy and occupational therapy.