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Wheredat Content Marketing Internship

Content Marketing Intern
Tel Aviv

Interning at Wheredat would give you a hands-on learning experience in content marketing. Your position would require as much learning as doing. You would be in charge of content research and development to help improve WhereDat’s company awareness.

Your responsibilities would include the following:

• Research and develop new content ideas based on target market
• Produce at least six blog posts per month
• Link Outreach
• Reaching out to other blogs to do guest posts


• Background in Marketing, English, Communications, or a related field.
• Persuasive & excellent writing skills
• Strong communication skills.
• Strong research and investigation skills
• The ability to consistently write high quality content
• Familiarity with social networking sites
• Strong desire to learn about content marketing

About WhereDat

WhereDat is a mobile startup based in Mountain View and in Israel. Our company created a mobile search app to transform the way people use their phones. With WhereDat, users can search inside their business apps and communicate easier between apps.