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Career Climbing vs Seeing the World

Who says we can’t have it all?
If school and/or work take center stage, then it often comes at the expense of travel and adventure. No one likes to give up on the fun stuff, and essentially you shouldn’t have to. Plan things right, and you can do it all.
International Internships
International internships can provide you with valuable industry experience and the opportunity to see new countries. There are opportunities available all over the world, and just imagine what your resume would look like by the end? Top Israel Interns in particular offers internship programs in both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
Paying for Your Travels
Paying for your travels is also a challenge most of us have to think about. If your profession allows it, you could apply to freelance networks and work remotely, or find volunteer programs that offer free food and accommodation to alleviate some of your expenses. On the other hand, Top Israel Interns offers you generous grants and scholarships through Masa Israel Journey, which can cover more than half your expenses.
Final Thoughts
If you want to travel extensively, it’s still not a bad idea to combine internships into your overall travel plan. The experience will keep you in touch with your industry, and help you build your network and resume for when you get back home and decide to work full time.
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