Interested in becoming a true master of the professional world? You’ve landed on the correct page.
It’s never too early to plan your first career steps, and yet, for some strange reason many college graduates feel overwhelmed when they need to venture forth on their career journey.
Change is overwhelming, especially when saying farewell to the cocoon of academia. But as the tale of the ant and the grasshopper illustrates all too well, those who plan ahead are those who thrive at the end. And that’s exactly what this article is about: planning ahead for long-term career success.
So, without further ado, here are 5 helpful steps to kick-starting your career in Israel. Read the steps carefully, take good notes, and may the force be with you.
Step 1: Don’t Let This Be You
Imagine this: after years of hard work, you’ve finally gotten your Bio-chemical engineering degree and you’re ready to enter the research world. Think of all those classes you had to show up to, all those late-nights cramming for finals, and that secret formula which carried you through (double-shot espressos from Starbucks).
Upon graduation, you apply to a couple of positions and are surprised when every potential employer says: “Your grades are great, but what kind of experience are you bringing to the job?”. At that point, you finally start understanding the importance of an internship.
But why wait until it’s too late?
Step 2: Explore Your Options
So, where do you go to explore internship opportunities? Luckily there are already people standing by, ready to assist you. Our internship advisors have hundreds of available placements at top Israeli companies and industry leaders.
Our mission is to make finding you an internship as easy as pie, and help point you to the best internship opportunities for you. As Top Israel Interns advisor Joanna Pilowsky tells us, “During your first chat, we learn more about your interests and career ambitions by understanding where you’re coming from, and where you want to be.”
Step 3: Apply for Funding
If you’re Jewish:
We’ve got good news for you. Masa Israel provides Jewish participants with generous grants and scholarships. They’ve already helped over 100,000 young Jewish professionals over the past 12 years. And guess what? They’re just getting started.
Once you fill out the Masa Application Form, you’ll be one step closer to an incredible life-changing experience in Israel.
If you’re not Jewish:
Not Jewish? Hey, no problem.
There are loads of resources to help you find a grant that works for you. Our internship advisors usually recommend, but it may also be worthwhile to speak to the employment coach in your university to help you out in this department.
Okay. By this point, you’ve secured your killer internship and a wonderful grant to help cover the costs. But, what should you pack? How much should you pack? It’s a big question, and most likely, this is the most difficult step.
Our suggestion? An open mind, a thirst for new adventures, and a hunger for success (and hummus)!
Step 5: Read the E-Book
If you’ve enjoyed this article thus far, then you’ll probably also enjoy this FREE downloadable E-Book. It’s all about why Israel («The Start-Up Nation») is quickly becoming one of the hottest places to begin your personal development as a professional.
The E-Book includes important subject matters, such as:
How To Choose Between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem (both great choices)
How to Tap into your True Career Ambitions, and Find Long-Term Career Fulfillment
How To Discover a Magical World of Career Opportunities in Israel
We hope you’ve enjoyed this article. If you did, be sure to share the love, and share it with a friend. Remember: You don’t need to begin your career journey alone. Taking a friend along for the ride can make the whole process that much smoother, and more meaningful.