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The Graduation Party That Changed Everything

I remember my graduation party from college like it was yesterday. It was a cool Summer day in Chicago, and the elation amongst my classmates was palpable.
The beer was flowing like honey, and half-way through the partying I stepped outside to get some air.
Sitting on the porch of the dorms was a friend of mine, Jimmy Beanstalk.
I asked him: «So, Jimmy, what are you gonna do after college?»
Jimmy replied: «I’m not too worried about that.»
«Really, how come?»
«You see, I believe that no matter which job I want, I’ll be able to get it.»
«By convincing whoever’s in charge of making the hiring decision.»
Even years later, Jimmy’s words stuck with me. While the majority of the class was shaking in their boots, trudging their feet at the thought of entering the job market, Jimmy had an entirely different perspective.
Perhaps it was his alcohol intoxication which made him spill the beans that night. Perhaps it was the celebration in the air, which led Jimmy to divulge his secret sauce. It doesn’t really matter.
I learned something that night.
I learned about the importance of confidence when searching for a job.
As graduates, we tend to over-glorify those in positions of hiring. We tend to forget that deep down we’re all walking naked into the land of the unknown.
The most important thing is to do it with confidence.
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