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Is Traveling Overseas Worth It?

In this article, I want to make the argument for why every college graduate should intern abroad upon graduating.
I will be listing two major reasons below, but I am sure that there are more out there. If my reasoning resonates with you, dear reader, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
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Reason #1: Going Global


Today, more than ever, we are living in a globalized world.
If you don’t believe me, just spend 2 minutes pondering the effect that the inventions of Facebook and LinkedIn have had on the world.
Lines of communication are more open than over!
Our personal and professional lives are becoming increasingly transparent to people from all over the globe.
And with that added transparency, comes huge opportunities for businesses to expand internationally. That’s why interning abroad is the perfect way to prove to employers that you have what it takes to understand cultures other than your own, and help them expand their business, or organizations, internationally.
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Reason #2: Stepping outside of your Comfort Zone


One of my biggest peeves about a college education is the lack of real-world experience. Dear G-d, after sitting within classrooms for 4 years, isn’t it time to break loose?
Interning abroad is a great way to kill two birds with one stone.
Number 1: you will be freeing yourself of the same old, dry, environment you’ve been immersed in for so long.
Number 2: you will be gaining that highly desirable skill of being able to adapt, and swim, in a new environment.
Your career, as well as your life, will prove to you that those who survive, and flourish most, are always those that know how to evolve when the time is necessary.
Interning abroad after college is therefore the perfect first step for a career filled with new beginnings, new experiences, and splendid opportunities.
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